Intelligent Enteral Nutrition

The Entarik Feeding Tube System is designed to aid, in conjunction with institutional protocols, qualified operators in the placement of the Entarik Feeding Tube into the stomach of patients requiring enteral feeding.

The Entarik Feeding Tube is equipped with sensors designed to provide information about the location of the tube tip relative to the stomach, assisting in reducing the incidence of misplacement during first positioning.

It is intended for the administration of nutrition, fluids, and medications by the nasoenteric route for patients who have an intact gastrointestinal tract but are physically unable to manage nutritional intake through normal mastication and deglutition.

The Entarik Monitor guides the placement of the Entarik Feeding Tube while continuously monitoring tube position during the course of feeding. It delivers real-time alerts of tube migration.

Entarik Feeding Tube

Feedback on Placement Location and Avoidance of Complications from Misplacement

When connected to the Entarik Monitor, the Entarik Nasogastric Feeding Tube allows for the accurate placement in any location, including the bedside. Sensors within the Entarik Feeding Tubes communicate with the Entarik Monitor to provide operator feedback on placement location, assisting in the avoidance of complications from misplacement.

Entarik Feeding Tubes are available in 8FR, 10FR, and 12FR with a standard length of 109 centimeters. The tubes are constructed using polyurethane and includes an additive for a smooth finish enabling easier placement.

Product Features:

  • Enfit connectors
  • Dual ports for feeding and flushing
  • Removable stylet
  • Clog resistant tube tip
  • Centimeter markings
  • Radiopaque

Ordering Information:

Model Number Size Description
8FR Entarik Feeding Tube – 109cm
10FR Entarik Feeding Tube – 109cm
12FR Entarik Feeding Tube – 109cm

Entarik Monitor

Monitors Feeding Tube Placement and Migration

The Entarik Monitor is a standalone monitoring unit with an integrated IV pole clamp and a separate AC adapter. The Monitor is to be used exclusively with the Entarik Feeding Tube. The Entarik Feeding Tube is a single-use device intended for short term use (less than 30 days). The two components together are known as the Entarik Feeding Tube System and are designed to provide the following functions:
  • Aids in the proper positioning of the feeding tube during initial placement
  • Monitors feeding tube positioning during ongoing use
  • Enables the delivery of enteral nutrition and/or medication
  • Provides user-friendly operating controls via touchscreen display with optional battery power mode for portability

Product Features:

  • Housing constructed from medical grade Polycarbonate ABS blend
  • Touch screen
  • Full color graphics
  • Configurable alerts settings
  • Simple step-by-step insertion andmonitoring guidance
  • LED alert and power indicators
  • Rechargeable battery
  • 5V Power Supply

Ordering Information:

Model Number Size Description
Entarik Monitor

Entarik Accessories & Replacement Parts

The Entarik System is designed for minimal maintenance requiring only a few replacement items. Only use genuine replacement parts with your Entarik Feeding Tube System.

Ordering Information:

Model Number Size Description
Monitor Power Supply
Monitor Power Supply Blade
Monitor Pole Bracket Replacement Kit (includes necessary tools)